Check Acceptance Letters

Please check the following list for new LoAs:

1. Hokkop Fritles Nababan (Driyarkara's Educational Thought and Its Relevance to Peace Education)

2. Ainun Jakia Ritonga (Analysis of Assalam Family Product Elements in the Implementation of Tabarru' Fund Management: Case Study at PT. AJS Bumiputera Medan Branch)

3. Sarmania Hsb, (Impact of Sharia Kur financing on performance of UMKM financing of BSI Binaan KCP Gunung Tua Padang Lawas North)

4. Junaidi (Survival Strategies of Fishermen in Bahodopi Amid Ecological Changes in Mining Areas)

5. Nana Karlina Panjaitan (Analysis of the Challenges of Financial Regulation for the Development of
Sharia Banking in Indonesia)

6. Safitri Winarsih (The Effect of BOPO, CAR and NPF on the Profit Sharing Rate of Mudharabah
Deposits in Sharia Commercial Banks)

7. Nairatul Anisah (The Role of Indonesian Rural Skills Development in Empowering Organic Farming Communities)

8. Winda Sihotang (Factual Analysis of Educational Laboratory Management at SMAS Brigjend Katamso II Medan)

9. Dian Ratna Puri (Strategies for Accreditation Management at MTs. Swasta Nurul Iman Tanjung Morawa Towards an Excellent Rating)

10. Rika Ramadhan (Readiness of Warunggunung Village, Lebak Regency in Realizing the Smart Village Program: A Review of the Smart Government Domain)

11. Thersa Armenia Putri (Innovation of Jalan Rusak Lapor Dewe (JALAK LOEWE) Application at the East Java Bina Marga Public Works Office)

12. Andi Akbar (Dynamics of Collaboration in Poverty Alleviation in Bone Regency)

13. Yenni Khairani Pane (The Relationship between Situational Leadership, Digital Transformation, and Adversity Quotient with the Performance of Vocational High School Teachers in Deli Serdang)

14. Maryam Khodimatullah Lubis (Islamic Ethics in Tiktok Dynamics: Critical Analysis in Medan Denai District)

15. Aznila Br Simbolon (Hoax-Free Movement: The Role of Inter-Institutional Communication in Asahan in the 2024 Election)

16. Muhammad Alif Alfaruqi (LAZISMU Marketing Communication Strategy as an Integral Part of Increasing Community Independence in Medan City)

17. Silvi Hibriyanti (Parents' Communication Strategies in Preventing Teenage Promiscuity in Rantau Prapat)

18. Khairul Azmi (Analysis of Waqf Fund Collection Strategy of Dompet Dhuafa Waspada Medan)

19. Regi Anika (The Influence of Islamic Banking Financial Technology on Financial Inclusion: A Case Study)

20. Janies Wijaya (Strategic Issue Management in Opposing Land Grab, Environmental, and Humanitarian Violation of Super Premium Tourism Development in East Nusa Tenggara)

21. Nareswara Bima Pradipta (Semiotics of Music by the Band Pyong-Pyong as a Tool for Social Criticism)

22. Fachrulsyah Alif Mahendra Rahim (Pertamina's Public Relations Communication Strategy in Handling The
Plumpang Integrated Terminal Fire in 2023: Case Study Of Company Crisis Communication In Handling Fire Victims)

23. Margono Hadi Sutanto (Communication Strategy in Social Conflict Resolution of Residents Affected By
The Indonesian Capital City)

24. Sulaeman (The Influence of Organizational Culture, Work Spirit and Job Satisfaction on Employee Work Productivity at the Ministry of Religion Office in Makassar City)

25. Maurina Taufani (Charles Sanders Peirce Semiotic Analysis of Documentary Film "Dirty Vote")

26. Muhamad Khusnul Khuluq (Analysis of the Influence of Service Quality, Store Atmosphere, Visual
Merchandising on Interest and Repeat Purchases at Wizzmie Rungkut Branch)

27. Reniwan Agustina Purba (The Longlasting Program Keluarga Harapan as Conditional Cash Transfer in
Indonesia: The Existing Problems and the Policy Recommendations)

28. Bima Riandy Tarigan, Ratnia Solihah, Ari Ganjar Herdiansyah (The Use of Social Media in the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar Campaign on Gen Z Political Participation)

29. Yacub Tanasyah (The Indirect Comparison of Brand Image Perception of “Share a Coke With” Campaign by the Coca-Cola Company)

30. Aulia (Preferences of Millennial Generation in Choosing Islamic Banking Services) 

31. Romy Dipanegara (The Role of Effective Communication of Protocollerian Organizations In The Secretariat of The Regional People's Representative)

32. Andrian (Intervention of Apartment Developers in The Management of Apartments in Indonesia)

33. Syafruddin Harris (The Analysis of Leadership Expectation Concept For Safety Culture in Company Post Integration Process)

34. Isnawati (Implementation of East Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 5 of 2019 Concerning the Provision of Legal Aid for Underprivileged Communities in East Kalimantan)

35. Sarkowi V Zahry (The Impact of Centralization on the Enactment of Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining on the Development of Regional Autonomy

36. Rossy Melinda Gultom (Workforce Strategy in a Manufacturing Company to Improve PIMS Value)

37. Gelstyn Chevaldi Amalo (Effectiveness of Work Safety and Health Program in Increasing Employee
Work Productivity at PT. State Electricity Company (PLN) UP3 South Surabaya)

38. Renold (Development of Japanese Bunker as an Educational Cultural Historical Tourism Object in Pare-pare City)

38. Tyfany Ocha Putri Maharani (The Innovation of Taksiah Service Program at The Deparment of Population
and Civil Registration of Madiun City)

39. Dewi Untari (Analysis of The Influence of Product Quality, Price Perception, and Packaging on Purchasing Decisions and Their Impact on Consumer Satisfaction of Bluder Bread Products)

40. Kurniawan Adi (Analysis of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and “Switching Intention” Using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (Pls-Sem) Method)

41. Renold (Development of Japanese Bunker as an Educational Cultural Historical Tourism Object in Pare-pare City)

42. Olivia Leonarda (The Effect of Workload, Training and Reward on Frontliner Service Quality Performance with Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Private Bank X)

43. Devan Ramdhan Tresnandy (Right to Entrepreneurship for Former Terrorism Convict: a Sociolegal Perspectives)

44. Dika (Communication Strategy of Personal Branding of Instagram Celebrities Makassar Rijal Djamal in Building Credibility on Instagram Social Media)

45. Esa Mulianti (Library Service Strategy in Optimizing Reading Interest in Digital Reading Corner (Pocadi) in The Community)

46. Syafri Arifuddin (Storytelling In Political Communication On Social Media Instagram)

47. Muhammad Sofian (Analysis of The Impact of Fintech Development and Financial Inclusion on Banking Financial Stability)

48. Nur Bayti (Analysis of the Growth Potential of Culinary MSMEs in Tanjungpinang City)

49. Helti Margaretha Tarigan (Idiomatic Expressions and Their Translation Equivalence into English in the
Karo Cultural Legend "Pustaka Sembiring")

50. Ranggi Febrian (Diffusion of Website-Based Innovation in Population Services in Pekanbaru City)

51. Putri Yulia Ningrum (Decision Making for Boycott Action of Pro-Israel Food and Beverage Products by Bengkulu University Students)

52. Agus Wedi (Health Service Reform in Bekasi City)

53. Minhui Zhang (A Linguistic Corpus-Based Analysis of the Synonym Differences of 'so that' and
'so that')

54. Viva Surensia Damanik (The Effect of Carbon Emission Level, Water Consumption Level, Energy Consumption Level on The Profitability of Basic Material Sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange)

55. Selamat Hartono (Implementation of PAK CEPAT YANLING (Print Package at Mobile Service Point) Innovation for Population Documents at the Population and Civil Registry Office of Serdang Bedagai Regency

56. Basrah Pardomuan (Study on the Effectiveness of the DPRD in Legislation of Regional Regulations in Langkat Regency 2019-2024)

57. Andi Sintia Yulianto (Influence of Financial Performance, Board Size, and Audit Committee on Sharia Profit Management)

58. Shintia Priyeti (LMS Vs Conventional Assessment: Reviewing the best assessment for English subjects)

59. Irwansyah Al Manar (Household Destroyed Due to Husband's Brother's Intervention)

60. Samsul Bahri (Implementation of Regional Government Information Systems in the Administration Process at BPKAD Tidore Islands City)

61. Anita Octaria Tambun (Optimization of Government Administration Reform: SWOT Analysis of Electronic Land Certificate Implementation Through Keyword Visualization Identification on Social Media Twitter)

62. Muchlis (Semantics of Tradition-Based Bags and Their Application as a Complement to Fashion)

63. Thesiana Sangiang Tolewo (The Effect of Workload and Auditor Experience on the Auditor's Ability to
Detect Fraud at Public Accounting Firms in Semarang City)

64. Ria Wardani (Psychosocial Factors of Adolescent Cyberbullying: Social Anxiety, General Belongingness, and Social Connectedness)

65. Bernadet Irena Wijayanti (Role of Meaningful Work and Self-Leadership on Learning Culture and Adaptive Performance: A Mediated Moderated Model)

66. Yogi Febri Setyawan (Nexus between Digital Competency Level and Performance Level of State Civil Apparatus)

67. Riyan Israyudin (Digital Transformation Through Electronic-Based Government System Policy in Indonesia: Policy Narrative Analysis)

68. Rosa Nabiila Mardhiyyah Thaib (Servant Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior: The Role of Meaningful
Work and Strengths Use)

69. Hadi Ignatius Untu (The Influence of Multiculturalism Education and Pancasila Student Profile on Religious Moderation of Students of Catholic High School Karitas Tomohon)

70. Tri Raharjo (Critical Review of Marketing Mix, Brand Equity on Restaurant Consumer Purchasing Decisions)

71. Zilda Clarita Reditania (Analysis of the Role of Women's Movement in Overcoming Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Order to Promote Change in Africa)

72. Anang Puji Utama (The Reconstruction of Law Number 7 of 2012 Concerning Social Conflict Handling in Indonesia)

73. Kenny (Digital Romance: Self-Presentation Strategies of Jakarta's Dating App Users)

74. Septia Sri Lestari (The Urgency of Education For Humanity: A Comparison Between Classical and Contemporary Islamic Philosophy of Education)

75. Catur Arie Nugroho (Value at Risk Analysis for Asset Acquisition Investment Needs Process Using Monte Carlo Method Based on Asset Return Level)

76. Ani Sofiaty (Study of Ismuba Subjects on the Implementation of Religious Students of SMK Muhammadiyah Bumiayu)

77. Dea Ayu Pitaloka (The Influence of Cumulative Grade Point Average and Interest in Continuing
To College on the Career Path of Tadris IPS FITK Students at North Sumatra
State Islamic University)

78. Ricky Helana (Legal Protection for Patients and Providers Telemedicine Services: Perspectives
Principle Balance)

79. Olivia Leonarda (The Effect of Workload, Training and Reward on Frontliner Service Quality Performance with Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Private Bank X)

80. Raja Syahrial Munthe (Analysis of Opportunities and Risks in Financial Technology Innovation for Islamic Banking in Adapting to the Changing Financial Ecosystem: A Case Study of Bank Syariah Indonesia, North Sumatra Regional Office)

81. Fahim Rosyidi (The Effect of Information and Communication Technology Utilization on Taxpayer Compliance with the Ability to Pay as a Variable)

82. Doly Irawan Daulay (Analysis of the Role of Motivation in Improving Employee Performance at BPJS Employment Padangsidimpuan Branch)

83. Dea Amelia Pasha (Strategy to Build a Brand Image of Feminine Hygiene "Gendes" Through Doctor's Educational Videos on Tiktok)

84. Asti Ganisya Seruni Putri (Analysis of Student Satisfaction on Student ID Card (KTM) Making Services Muhammadiyah University, Pontianak)

85. Muhamad Sofan (Islamic Aqidah Education for Families in View of the Perspective of Alqur'an Surah Luqman Verses)

86. Ratih Hasanah (The Impact of Beauty Influencers on Local Brand Image)

87. Ahyar Pahmi (Analysis of the Role of the Inspectorate in Improving the Accountability of Village Financial Management in Mandailing Natal)

88. Erpina Br. Ketaren (Identification of Key Factors in the Implementation of Geographic Information
Systems for Public Administration in Sibolangit District)

89. Syamsul Hidayat Nasution (The Effect of Village Fund Allocation Policy on Development in Singengu Julu
Village, Mandailin)

If it is not on the list above, it means it has already been published. Please check below: