Journal La Multiapp <p>International <strong>Journal La Multiapp</strong> ISSN 2721-1290 (Online) and ISSN 2716-3865 (Print) includes all the areas of research activities in all fields Engineering, Technology, Computer Sciences, A<span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="en"><span class="" title="">rchitect</span></span>, Applied Biology, Applied Chemistry, Applied Physics, Material Engineering, Civil Engineering, Military and Defense Studies, Photography, Cryptography, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Environment Engineering, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, Transport Engineering, Mining Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Food Science, Geography, Oil &amp; Petroleum Engineering, Biotechnology, Agricultural Engineering, Food Engineering, Material Science, Earth Science, Geophysics, Meteorology, Geology, Health and Sports Sciences, Industrial Engineering, Information and Technology, Social Shaping of Technology, Journalism, Art Study, Artificial Intelligence, and other Applied Sciences.</p> en-US (Urfan Taghiyev) (Mujib Hasib) Wed, 11 Dec 2024 09:36:16 +0700 OJS 60 Performance Measurement Based on the Green Manufacturing Concept with Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Indicators <p><em>When a country builds factories and industries, it helps the country grow and become better. It can create more jobs and make things run faster. But sometimes, these factories can make the water and water dirty. Therefore, it is necessary to measure company performance based on the concept of green manufacturing. The indicators used in measuring company performance are green manufacturing indicators based on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In the research results, out of 18 indicators, 5 indicators were found to be unfulfilled, these indicators are the intensity of water pollution at the process stage, energy consumption in using products at the output stage, and greenhouse gas emissions in using products at the output stages. With 13 indicators that are in line with the concept of green manufacturing, the performance of PT. XYZ related to the concept of green manufacturing is included in the Advance category.</em></p> Favian Prastian, Endang Pudji Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Wed, 11 Dec 2024 09:23:37 +0700 Analysis of Furniture Product Quality Control with Statistical Quality Control Methods and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis <p><em>PT. Tjakrindo Mas is a manufacturing company based in Indonesia that supports the government, industrial, public, and private sectors. Established in 1984, the company produces home furniture made from various types of wood. During the period from December 2023 to May 2024, the company faced production issues with its furniture products. According to production scheduling data, the furniture production intensity was high, operating 5 days a week. During this period, the highest production rate was for the 2 Door Glass Wardrobe, totaling 5,638 units. However, despite the high production volume, the defect rate for the 2 Door Glass Wardrobe was also high, with 498 defective units, representing a defect rate of 8.83%, which exceeds the company's tolerance standard. The objective of this study is to assess the quality of the Glass Wardrobe product at PT. Tjakrindo Mas and to propose improvements to enhance the product quality. Observations identified that the highest Risk Priority Number (RPN) was associated with the close side rail rupture defect, caused by the operator not being careful when installing the close side rail to the cabinet body, and the work methods used not in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Recommendations for quality control proposals based on the high RPN value of FMEA Close Side Rail Rupture is to provide supervision and guidance to workers, and Provide briefing to operators about methods that are in accordance with the standard operating procedures (SOP) used by the company.</em></p> Muhammad Zhaki Ghufron, Enny Aryanny, Mega Cattleya Prameswari Annissaa Islami Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Workload Analysis Using the Full-Time Equivalent and Rating Scale Mental Effort Methods in the Production Division <p><em>CV Aurexell is an industry engaged in the food sector, namely bread. In the production process, several problems cause physical and mental workloads, where employees at dough-making, weighing, and molding workstations feel physically burdened because they have to work standing up for a day and mentally burdened because they have to meet production targets every day but there is a shortage of employees at the fermentation and baking, also cream filling workstations. To solve these problems, we must take workload measurements to find the optimal number of employees. Based on data processing using the FTE method, it is evident that the physical workload of all employees falls within the normal category, which ranges from 1 to 1.28, which means that the number of employees at CV Aurexell is optimal because the physical workload is normal. Based on data processing using the RSME method, it is evident that operators 7 and 9 have mental workloads of 85.33 and 83, respectively, classified as great effort. At the same time, other operators require rather much too considerable effort. The optimal number of workers in the RSME method is six people for the dough-making, weighing, and molding workstation, three for the fermentation and baking workstation, three for the cream-filling workstation, and thirteen for the packaging workstation.</em></p> Annisa Rahmi Azizy, Rusindiyanto, Rizqi Novita Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Using Machine Learning to Detect Unauthorized Access in Database's Log Files <p><em>The paper investigates the use of machine learning techniques to detect unauthorized access in database log files. Results show that most algorithms of supervised machine learning performed well in identifying normal cases but struggled to detect anomalies, with the exception of Naïve Bayes and Random Forest which gave mediocre results by identifying one out of twenty anomalies. In the semi-supervised machine learning methods, Local Outlier Factor showed an accuracy of 0.98 in detecting normal cases and 0.7 in detecting anomalies. One Class Support Vector Machine had an accuracy of 0.89 for normal cases and 0.05 for anomalies, while Isolation Forest had an accuracy of 0.98 for normal cases and 0.0 for anomalies. These findings suggest that semi-supervised techniques may be more effective in detecting unauthorized access in database log files.</em></p> Israa Jihad Abed Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Work Posture tn the Car Body Assembly Process Using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment Method <p><em>CV. Faisyal Putra Mandiri located at Kandangan Rejo Lebar street No.11 Surabaya City, is one of the manufacturing industry companies engaged in car body production. In their work activities there are still workers who do not apply ergonomic work postures while working. Unergonomic work positions can cause some parts of the body to not be in their normal position so that they are very vulnerable to musculoskeletal disorders. To overcome these problems, work posture improvement is carried out. Based on the results of the study, it was found that after simulating the use of tools in the metal cutting process, namely the Hydraulic Scissor Lift Table, it can reduce the risk of worker injury through a final REBA value of 7 with a moderate risk level to a final REBA value of 2 with a low risk level. Then in the welding process can reduce the risk of worker injury through the final REBA value of 9 with a high risk level to the final REBA value of 3 with a low risk level. In addition, it is recommended to use a chair as a tool, which is proven through work simulation to reduce the risk of injury. In metal cutting, the REBA value drops from 7 with a moderate risk level to 3 with a low risk level, and in welding, from 9 with a high risk level to 3 with a low risk level.</em></p> Bagus Sujatmiko, Akmal Suryadi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Design and Build of Communication Protocol Trainer Tools on Networks between PLCs and HMIs <p><em>With the rapid advancement of science and technology, the role of technology in industry is also increasing, particularly through automation that simplifies and enhances work process efficiency. To support this development, education plays a crucial role in enhancing students' competencies. One relevant subject in industrial technology is Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). In PLC education, trainer tools are used to help students understand industrial control concepts. At Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung, particularly in the Mechatronics and Automation Engineering Technology programs, the use of PLC trainers is still limited to basic input-output features. Survey results show that most students only understand Ethernet communication protocol and have never connected more than one PLC in a single system, resulting in a limited understanding of inter-PLC communication. This research aims to develop a trainer that teaches various PLC communication protocols, including Controller Link, DeviceNet, Serial RS-232C, and Ethernet, with inter-PLC and HMI communication implementation. The system uses three PLCs, where an Omron CP1H PLC as the master uses Controller Link to communicate with another Omron CP1H PLC as a slave, DeviceNet for remote slave devices, Serial RS-232C to communicate with an Omron CJ2M PLC as a slave, and Ethernet connected to Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) Omron NB7W and Kinco GL070E for PLC data monitoring. Based on the assessment results, the overall trainer tool evaluated received an effectiveness score of 95.1% from 6 aspects of the assessment. This trainer is expected to enhance students’ understanding of PLC communication protocols and their applications in integrated systems.</em></p> Hendy Rudiansyah, Ridwan Ridwan, Wahyudi Purnomo, Dini Hadiani, Muhammad Zidan Arrizik Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Wed, 11 Dec 2024 12:29:08 +0700 Leveraging Digital Technologies for Strategic Business Development by Millennial Entrepreneurs in Sidenreng Rappang <p><em>This study examines the business strategies applied by millennial entrepreneurial students in Sidenreng Rappang Regency, South Sulawesi. These students are engaged in various business sectors such as food and beverages, fashion, cosmetics, services, art and design, and digital business. The primary purpose of the study is to analyze the strategies used in responding to business opportunities, competitive advantages, contributions to entrepreneurship learning in higher education, and obstacles and solutions faced by students. With a qualitative phenomenological approach, this study explores the experiences of young entrepreneurs in taking advantage of market opportunities that other entrepreneurs often ignore. Students utilize business model innovation theory by considering factors such as understanding consumer behavior, product differentiation, service quality, and location and network. Entrepreneurship learning in higher education makes an essential contribution to equipping students with an understanding of business strategies and their application in actual practice. Of the ten respondents, five have participated in entrepreneurship seminars and training, while the other five are self-taught and through campus activities. These two methods are considered influential in shaping entrepreneurial skills and mindsets. The challenges faced by millennial entrepreneurs, as well as the solutions they implement, show relevance to modern management theory. This research provides insight into how entrepreneurship education and training can support student business development.</em></p> Andi Sri Kumala Putri P, Jumriah Basri, Sri Wirdana, A. Kartini Sari Putri D Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Image Capture Techniques in Journalistic Photos of the Cik Puan Market Fire Disaster in Pekanbaru Online Media <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Journalistic photos play an important role in conveying information to the public in a visual way. Photos taken in disaster situations, such as fires, have a special role because in addition to recording events, they also contain social and humanitarian values. This study aims to analyze the techniques of capturing images in journalistic photos that capture the Cik Puan Market fire disaster in Pekanbaru, as published by media. The study used a qualitative descriptive method with a non-participant observation approach. The results of the study showed that the photos used successfully captured the emotions of the victims, the condition of the burned market, and the extinguishing efforts made. Journalistic photography techniques such as framing, angle, and timing greatly influence the message in each image. media consistently presents photos that have high news value without the applicable journalistic code of ethics.</em></p> Suardi Suardi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Thu, 12 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Advancing Flood predication based on integrating Traditional and Deep Learning Techniques <p><em>Flood prediction is critical for reducing the negative effects of catastrophes. This study investigates the use of classical and deep learning algorithms to accurately anticipate flood levels using past ecological information. The study takes two approaches: linear regression and deep neural networks (DNN). These models are trained and evaluated using historical records stretching years, as well as moisture, temperature, and rainfall measurements. Visualization tools, such as development/validation reduction charts projected against real floodwater level graphs, can help understand model learning behaviors and efficacy. Furthermore, a combination model method is investigated, which combines forecasts from both approaches and has the promise to improve the accuracy of predictions. Future forecasts for the year 2025 can be generated using expected atmospheric conditions, illustrating the models' usefulness in projecting eventual floodwater levels. Measures of assessment and visualization results demonstrate the effectiveness of deep learning technologies in improving flooding predictions when contrasted with classic conventional techniques. This investigation advances flooding forecasting skills by combining known statistical approaches and new deep learning algorithms, thereby helping in active catastrophe control and vulnerability planning.</em></p> Muthana S. Mahdi, Ishraq Khudhair Abbas, Ban M. Muhammed, Hiba Abdulrazzaq Abbas Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Mon, 30 Dec 2024 11:37:05 +0700 Analysis and Comparison of Server Migration Performance on Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform <p><em>Cloud computing has emerged as a technology increasingly embraced by numerous enterprises to operate servers with high availability. The multi-cloud strategy is increasingly employed to manage servers across various platforms, guaranteeing service continuity despite disruptions on any single platform. This study analyzes and compares the migration performance of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) across two scenarios: migration in a homogeneous environment and migration in a heterogeneous environment, utilizing the metrics of migration time and downtime. According to the research findings, in homogenous environment migration, GCP excelled in both migration duration and downtime. In heterogeneous environment migration, AWS demonstrated superior migration speed.</em></p> Diva Nuranty Yovanka, Galura Muhammad Suranegara, Endah Setyowati Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Mon, 30 Dec 2024 13:38:47 +0700 Redesign Of Machine Layout Using Systematic Layout Planning Method <p><em>Optimizing the production process is one of the things that needs to be considered in a factory. Machines play an important role in the production process because they function as the main tool in the production process. Rearrangement is carried out to obtain the smallest distance in moving raw materials in the production process. By rearranging the machine using the systematic layout planning method. The latest distance value was obtained at 60,865, which was originally 63,905. Therefore, making a machine layout can be done using the proposed layout.</em></p> Dito Samudera Sucahyo, Rusindiyanto Rusindiyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Study of Gurney Flap as Passive Flow Control Method on NACA 4418 <p><em>Global problems related to the greenhouse effect and global warming have pushed research towards clean energy sources. One of the technologies of concern is wind turbines, whose performance is highly dependent on the aerodynamics of the airfoils used. This study aims to analyze the effect of input speed variation on the aerodynamic performance of NACA 4418 airfoil using gurney flap as a passive flow method. In this study, the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method was used to calculate aerodynamic parameters, by varying the height of the gurney flap on the trailing edge of the airfoil. The results showed that the use of gurney flaps with flap height variations of 1%, 2%, and 3% of chord length was able to significantly increase the lift coefficient, with the highest increase at the flap height of 3% c. In addition, this passive method has proven to be efficient in improving aerodynamic performance without the addition of an active control system. In conclusion, variations in input speed and flap height can improve the aerodynamic performance of NACA 4418 airfoils, making this method feasible to apply to wind turbines.</em></p> Athallah Nabiel Abhitah, Damora Rhakasywi, Fahrudin Fahrudin Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Risk Analysis of the Prijetan Dam in Lamongan Regency <p><em>The Prijetan Dam in Lamongan, East Java, has been in operation for over a century, making it one of the oldest dams in Indonesia. This study aims to assess the risks associated with the aging structure of the dam, including potential failures and safety concerns. The analysis was conducted using the ICOLD modified risk scoring system and the Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) method, taking into account physical deterioration, climate change impacts, and possible failure modes. The results provide insights into the current physical condition, risk levels, and necessary mitigation strategies to enhance the dam's safety and functionality. The study also prioritizes maintenance and rehabilitation actions based on risk levels, ensuring long-term operational safety and security for the surrounding areas.</em></p> Samuel Seprian Pakpahan, Sri Sangkawati, Suharyanto Suharyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Design of Earthquake Disaster Evacuation Route Simulation in a High-Storey Building Using Virtual Reality <p><em>Indonesia is a country located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, because of this Indonesia is vulnerable to earthquakes because it is located at the meeting point of several colliding tectonic plates. In addition, the presence of active volcanoes is also an additional factor. The construction of high-rise buildings in Indonesia has continued to increase in recent years along with the growth of urbanization and the need for more efficient space in urban areas, this has increased the risk of accidents in high-rise buildings. With these problems, a disaster simulation is needed which can be the right step to understand the correct ways to handle and evacuate from disasters. The right simulation for this problem is to use Virtual Reality (VR)-based learning because this simulation can increase the effectiveness of disaster management education by experiencing firsthand a realistic and interactive earthquake scenario simulation. The results of the pre-post test processed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test method obtained a result of 7.5 where 7.5 ≤ 52 (critical value) concluded that this simulation provides a significant change in knowledge of earthquake disaster mitigation in high-rise buildings. And from the SUS (System Usability Scale) Questionnaire, the score obtained was 78.875 which is included in the category 70-85 which means that this system is quite good in terms of usability. Users generally feel comfortable using the system.</em></p> Bagus Wahyu Masdhana, Tranggono Tranggono Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Evaluation fo the Implementation of the Domestic Component Level Policy on Construction Projects in Indonesia: Case Study of Indoor Multifunction Stadium in Jakarta <p><em>This research evaluates the implementation of the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) regulation in the Indoor Multifunction Stadium Construction Project in Jakarta to support national economic growth by increasing the use of local products in construction projects. The objectives of this study are to determine the percentage of domestic component use, identify factors that influence the implementation of TKDN, and analyze the main challenges in implementing the policy. The research method involved project and survey data analysis, with the Relative Importance Index (RII) method to assess the dominant factors that play a role in the implementation of TKDN. The results showed that the percentage of local product contribution in this project was 55.80% with a target achievement in accordance with the regulation of 60% with the dominant constraint factor being local product certification. This research is expected to support the TKDN policy on construction projects in Indonesia, strengthen the involvement of domestic industries, and provide input for policymakers to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of this policy.</em></p> Hobert Mangatur Melkysedek, Darmawan Pontan, Muhammad Zaki, Lili Kusumawati Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Multiapp Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700